Dear LBank Users, To improve system performance and enhance user experience, we will temporarily suspend the asset transfer function between futures accounts and spot accounts on December 4, 2024, fro
Dear LBank Users, To improve system performance and en
Hance user e
XPerience, we wi
Ll tempo
RARIly s
USPend the asset transfer funct
Ion between futures accounts and s
POT accounts on
December 4, 2024, from 00:00 to 01:00 (UTC). We
Kindly r
Mend that you arrange your asset transfers in advance to avoid any inconvenience. Should you have any quest
IOns or require assi
STAnce, please feel free to contact our customer support team. T
Hank you for your understanding and continued support!
LBank Team
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Disclaimer: Digital assets are subject to
High m
ARKet risks and pr
ice vo
lity. The value of your investm
Ents may fluctuate, and could
EVEn lead to a loss of pr
InciPAL. You are solely responsible for your investment decisions, and LBank is not liable for any losses you may incur. You should invest only in products you are familiar with and understand the risks involved. You should carefu
LLy consider your investment e
Xperience, financial
Status, investment
OBjectives, and risk tolerance, and consult an indepen
Dent financial advisor before any investment. Past performance is not a reliable indi
CATOr of future performance. Con
TENt on the LBank platform does not include advice or recommendations, and should not be construed as financial advice.